Product/Process Quality System Review
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Is there a documented training program that:
Includes all employees?
Lists whose been trained?
Provides a training schedule?
Has training been completed for:
Statistical process control?
Capability studies?
Problem solving?
Mistake proofing?
Reaction Plans?
Other topics as identified?
Is each operation provided with process instructions that are keyed to the control plan?
Are standard operator instructions accessible at each work station?
Do operator instructions include pictures and diagrams?
Were operator/team leaders involved in developing standard operator instructions?
Do inspection instructions include:
Easily understood engineering performance specifications?
Test frequencies?
Sample sizes?
Reaction plans?
Documentation requirements?
Are visual aids:
Appropriate, easily understood and legible?
Dated and current?
Is there a procedure to implement, maintain, and establish reaction plans, for issues such as out of control conditions based on statistical process control?
Is there an identified problem solving process that includes root cause analysis?
Are the latest drawings and specification available for the operator, in particular at the points of the inspection?
Have engineering tests (dimensional, material, appearance, and performance) been completed and documented as required in accordance with customer requirements?
Are the current forms/logs available for appropriate personnel to record inspection results?
Are the following available and placed at the appropriate points of the operation?
Monitoring and measurement devices?
Gage instructions?
Reference samples?
Inspection logs?
Have provisions been made to certify and calibrate gages and test equipment at a defined frequency that is appropriate?
Have required measurement system capability studies been:
Have initial process capability studies been conducted per customer requirements?
Are layout inspection equipment and facilities adequate to provide initial and ongoing layout of all details and components in accordance with customer requirements?
Is there a documented procedure for controlling incoming material that may include, for example, the following items:
Characteristics to be inspected?
Frequency of inspection?
Sample size?
Designated location for approved product?
Disposition of nonconforming products?
Have sample production parts been provided per customer requirements?
Is there a procedure to identify, segregate, and control nonconforming products to prevent shipment?
Are rework/repair procedures available to assure conforming product?
Is there a procedure to requalify repaired/reworked material?
Has a master sample, if required, been retained as part of the part approval process?
Is there an appropriate lot traceability procedure?
Are periodic audits of outgoing products planned and implemented?
Are periodic assessments of the quality system planned and implemented?
Has the customer approved the packaging and the packaging specification?
Last updated